September Social Media Content Calendar for Food Businesses

September 11, 2023

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August 31, 2023

Fall is the season of change and there’s no better time than now to change up your social media presence! Whether you’re in a slump of posting the same content or wanting to challenge yourself by posting more, we’ve got you covered with content ideas for the whole month of September!

We probably aren’t the first to tell you how important social media is for business owners (and especially food entrepreneurs!). Think of social media as a photo album, displaying your skills, achievements and abilities. It’s essentially giving prospective customers a sneak peek into what they’ll be getting from you! Although, that brings up an important question: how do prospective customers find you on social media? 

Luckily for you, there’s an easy answer — be more active online! The easiest and fastest way to grow your social media following and engagement numbers is by being more active on social media! This could mean commenting on fellow entrepreneurs' posts, using stories to take polls and ask questions, following specific hashtags, or simply posting more. 

To get you started, we’ve curated a list of social media post ideas for the whole month of September. This list is meant to give you new and different ideas, but it’s up to you to put your own spin on them and make them your own! And remember they could be Instagram stories, TikTok posts, Reels, Facebook posts, comments — do whatever works best for you! 

If you use these ideas, tag us on social media (@castironhq) so we can follow along! Happy fall and happy posting!

September 1 - Share your goals for this fall (challenge yourself!)

A new season is here and that means new goals! Sharing your goals for the season on social media can help keep yourself accountable and motivate you to accomplish them.

September 2 - It’s International Bacon Day! What are you making?

Whether it’s cookies that look like bacon, food wrapped in bacon, or just good ol’ classic bacon, share how you’re celebrating.

September 3 - Who supports you? Thank your supporters!

There’s no downplaying how much a support system matters when it comes to following your dreams. Take a second to thank those people in your life who helped you get where you are! 

September 4 - Labor Day festivities - What’s on the menu?

It’s the last holiday of summer so let’s end with a fun day in the sun with some killer food. Bring your followers along!

September 5 - The most challenging part of being an entrepreneur

You make it look easy, but we know it’s not all fun and games being an entrepreneur. Share some of the challenges that you’ve faced and how you’ve overcome them.

September 6 - The best part of being an entrepreneur
You covered the tough stuff, but now we want to hear about the best part of being a business owner! Let’s hear the highlights of being self-employed and following your passion.

September 7 - Ask fellow entrepreneurs for advice

We all need help from time to time! Maybe you’re starting a new business venture and need advice on getting started, or you’re looking for new cookware. Whatever it is, just ask! 

September 8 - Host a giveaway to grow your following

Giveaways are an amazing opportunity to grow your online following. Make sure you have your entrants share your post to their stories to enter to increase the reach of your giveaway.

September 9 - Share a football-related post to celebrate the season

Wahoo! Football season is back! Time to root for your favorite team with some football-related snacks or baked goods.

September 10 - Idea swap day! Collaborate with a fellow foodie
There’s no better time to collaborate with a fellow foodie than national swap an idea day! Try out someone else’s recipe and have them try yours, then share about it on social media.

September 11 - Morning Routine Reel (bonus points for bed head)

Social media loves seeing morning routines and days in the life of normal people. Whether it motivates your followers to get out of bed, or they just like knowing they’re not the only ones with bed head, these Reels tend to attract great engagement!

September 12 - Try It Tuesday! Attempt a new product or technique

Is there a new recipe or cooking technique you’ve been wanting to try? There’s no better time than now! Share how it goes and give your opinion.

September 13 - Share a quick tip or advice to help others grow 

What’s something you’ve learned since becoming an entrepreneur? Maybe it's about tricky decorating skills or how to best package your delicate cookies. Share with your community.

September 14 - Instagram story poll (keep it fun and interesting)

People love giving their opinion, especially on fun and lighthearted topics. Get to know your followers more by posting a series of polls on your story.

September 15 - Fun Fact Friday! Share something about yourself

What’s something about yourself or your business that most people don’t know? Maybe it's how you got started or a funny story followers can relate to!

September 16 - Hint at a new seasonal product to build anticipation
New season, new product, new sales! There’s so many opportunities to capitalize on during the holiday season, start now and get sales rolling. (Need a better way to run your pre-sales? We’ve got you covered.)

Septmber 17 - Advice for food entrepreneurs who are getting started 

There’s probably a million things you wish you knew before becoming an entrepreneur, so what advice would you give to your younger self who's just getting started?

September 18 - Meme Monday

Who doesn’t love a baby making a funny face or a cat giving a serious side eye! Share your favorite food business-related meme to get the work week rolling.

September 19 - Packaging tips and tricks timelapse

Create a packaging timelapse while voicing over advice and tips you’ve learned. These types of videos tend to do very well on social media.

September 20 - Go live to show a skill or answer questions!

Going live on Instagram is a great way to connect with your community and allow them to get to know you better! You could show a how-to demonstration or just answer some questions they have.

September 21 - 5 things owning a business has taught you

Being self-employed is not easy, it comes with a ton of responsibilities and challenges. What are five things owning a business has taught you about yourself or life in general?

September 22 - Fall favorites 

It’s time to put away that sunscreen and break out those cozy sweaters! Fall is here and it’s not going anywhere — time to embrace all the pumpkin spiced lattes you can. Share your fall favorites, whether it’s flavors, local restaurants with themed items, clothing, candles, destinations, or something else.

September 23 - First day of fall! How are you going to celebrate?

Hey, at least it's not winter yet! Celebrate fall by sharing some of your favorite fall activities.

September 24 - Share baking advice or a food hack

Share some baking advice or a hack you’ve learned to make running a food business easier.

September 25 - Self Promo Monday

Be your biggest cheerleader! Whether it’s a glowing customer review or an order that made you proud of yourself, take a moment to congratulate yourself and share it with your audience.

September 26 - Story time

You’re trying to grow a community on social media, not just gain followers. A great way to do this is by sharing something about yourself — who knows, maybe you’ll start a conversation! 

September 27 - Share a new obsession or hobby

Show your followers what you’ve been up to outside of the kitchen! Whether it’s a new fall candle fave, an amazing new TV show, or a new hobby, this is a chance to form a connection! 

September 28 - OOTD - What do you wear when baking?

Whether you put on your comfiest sweatshirt, or have a monogrammed apron, show off your baking outfit. Bonus points if it's fall-inspired!

September 29 - Share your kitchen must-have list 

It’s your influencer era! Share which kitchen products have made your life easier and which you couldn’t live without! Don’t forget to provide links for other foodies who might want to pick up what you’re sharing.

September 30 - Holiday season plans

It’s the most wonderful time of year… more like the busiest! Make the most of your time before the holiday season really kicks in to get orders lined up, production plans in place and organized! You got this! If you really want to be ahead of the game, share a teaser of your holiday products or even launch pre-sales! (We’ve got the tools you need to do that.)

We can’t wait to see all the unique and creative content you post! Remember these are just content ideas, but it’s up to you to make them your own and use them to grow your content calendar! 

Remember to tag us @castironhq so we can follow along! Happy fall and happy posting! 

About the Author
Grayson Wallace

Content Marketing Intern, Castiron

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